Student at the Peking Jiyu Gakuen School rings a bell and holds a clock.
“Great housewife” with the school bell [sic]
From a collection of staged photographs produced under the title “Life at a Girls School in Peking”, and produced at the Peking Jiyu Gakuen in Japanese-occupied Beijing. The original caption reads: “The girls have to bring the bell in turn every day with the title of ‘great housewife’. Chinese girls have no conception of TIME but they know morning, noon and evening. Teaching the idea of time is the first fundamental step towards a better education [sic]”.
- circa 1940
Anon (possibly Horino Masao 堀野正雄)
- Return to the capital
Case Studies
Japanese-occupied China
(1937 – 1945) Keywords
- children, education, women
Further information
Further Reading
Jeremy E. Taylor, “Gendered Archetypes of Wartime Occupation: ‘New Women’ in Occupied North China, 1937–40”, Gender & History 28.3 (November 2016): 660-686.
Source Reference Details
CN 11/11
The National Archives
COTCA Identifier
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