Inside cover of South China Graphic, a Dōmei News Agency publication
Huanan huabao (South China Graphic) inside cover, January 1941
This image is taken from Huanan huabao (South China graphic) 3.1 (January 1941). The illustration deploys one of the standard tropes of Japanese propaganda in occupied China, i.e., that of a Japanese woman and Chinese woman fraternising with each other. This trope was derived from Manchukuo propaganda and the notion of “gozoku kyōwa” (“the harmony of the five races”), as well as attempts to feminise the image of an occupied China. Note how the Japanese woman is pictured as being slightly higher than her Chinese peer.
- January 1941
Dōmei News Agency 同盟通信社
Book / Published Material
- Return to the capital
Case Studies
Japanese-occupied China
(1937 – 1945) Keywords
- propaganda, women
Further information
Further Reading
Kari Shepherdson-Scott, “Race behind the walls: Contact and containment in Japanese images of urban Manchuria,” In Christopher Hanscom and Dennis Washburn (eds), The Affect of Difference: Representations of Race in East Asian Empires (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2016), 180 – 206.
East Asia Library, Stanford University
Source Reference Details
EAL 2991.5 4454
East Asia Library, Stanford University
COTCA Identifier